
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Imágenes del tsunami arrasando Fukushima

TEPCO ha sacado a la luz las fotografías que recogen el momento en el que la ola gigante llega a la central nuclear 

Deadly torrent: The force of the tsunami destroys a sea wall designed to protect the Fukushima nuclear plant and surges towards the reactors
La ola gigante entrando en las instalaciones de la planta nuclear

La empresa japonesa TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) ha hecho públicas las imágenes tomadas el pasado 11 de marzo en la central nuclear de Fukushima en las que se aprecia cómo el tsunami arrasa las instalaciones y desborda los accesos a los reactores,

Disaster strikes: The tsunami rushes over a protective sea wall and towards tanks of heavy oil for the Unit 5 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex
Destruction: Cars are amongst the debris washed towards the radioactive waste stroage building as water inundates the nuclear plant
Water rushes into the plant in this photo taken from the fourth floor of the radioactive waste disposal building

Devastation: Cars are swept away by waves of tsunami near tanks of heavy oil for the Unit 5 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant
Moments from impact: The tsunami approaches the plant after being triggered by an earthquake under the Pacific

An explosion at the Fukushima plant days after tsunami hit, caused y engineers releasing hydorgen gas that had built up after the cooling systems failed

Buildings destroyed: An aerial view of destroyed reactor buildings at the Fukushima plant after the tsunami hit and caused explosions

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